
Today, October 25th, is a special date for all karateka: it is Karate No Hi, World Karate Day, established in 2005 by the Okinawa Prefecture. The date was chosen because it was when, in 1936, an important meeting of masters took place to define the direction of the art, including discussing the change of the name “Tōdī” to “Karate-Dō”.

One of the ways to celebrate the date around the world is the traditional 100 Kata Challenge (100 Kata Challenge), which was proposed in 2014 by James Pankiewicz, owner of the famous Dojo Bar and Asato Dojo, in Okinawa. There aren’t many restrictions or rules: just make your kata in tribute to Karate! It can be several repetitions of the same kata or doing different kata until you reach 100. If you can only do less repetitions, what counts is the intention.

This is the third year I’ve participated. Yesterday (Sunday) I did 35 kata, 30 of them repeated 3 times each and the remaining 5 repeated 2 times, which added up to 100 at the end. In the video I show a little of the challenge. My comrades from Muidokan Karate Kenkyukai through the country also participated, making the kata according to each one’s preference. It was very gratifying to participate once again, to challenge me, pass on several kata and pay homage to this art that makes me so much good!