October 25: World Karate Day!

October 25 is World Karate Day. The date was chosen because it was the same as, in 1936, an important meeting was held in Okinawa with great masters, to discuss the future of the art. It is a day of celebration in the birthplace of Karate and for all practitioners in different countries.

This is the art I chose, the path I intend to follow for a lifetime. Karate only provides well-being and benefits for dedicated practitioners.

Thanks to this art, I feel more confident, more balanced, healthier and better prepared to face the day-to-day problems. Karate helps to forge the mind, body and spirit. And the best part is that there is always something more to learn and to overcome.

Also because of Karate, I had the honor and privilege of meeting and becoming a disciple of Shihan Tsunioshi Tanaka, founder of the Karate-Do Tanaka Association, a samurai in the noblest sense of the word, a pioneer of the art and a dedicated master. As much as I miss him, it comforts me to know that it is also my responsibility to carry the torch for the study and dissemination of Karate, honoring my master and building my own path.

I am proud to be a karateka, to be able to practice and discover more and more this fascinating and culturally rich art. And I can only recommend it to anyone who can to find a good dojo and start their own journey.

Arigatou gozaimasu!