
In another year of training in Karate, I understand more and more how the path in this art needs to be followed with an open mind and sincerity. It is much less about trying to prove or impose something on others and much more about your personal development, how much you are willing to fight against the ego, add knowledge and review what can be improved.

When you act and train with this mindset, it reflects in your practice. And this is your internal path, it is not about status.

My dear master Tsunioshi Tanaka said that “sincerity is in the heart (kokoro)”. I realize how necessary it is not only as a karateka, but also as a person.

He also demonstrated by example the concern to continue studying and learning. Organizing his belongings in the dojo, I see a lot of training notes, seminar diplomas, tapes and books on martial arts. He wanted to be the best martial artist he could, for himself and for his students.

For carrying a part of Master Tanaka’s legacy, I cannot do less. In this, I remember the following quote:

“Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought.” – Matsuo Basho

For this reason, I follow my path of Karate “seeking” what he sought, which is the development in the art with sincerity in my heart. It is not reenacting things, but taking steps forward. And I do this in the way I direct the training in the dojo, test applications and exercises, go after knowledge about Karate, participate in trainings and seminars, gaining foundation and new perspectives. The road is long, but fascinating.

I feel that 2018 was very productive in that sense and that motivates me to continue on this path. Karate-Do, for those who really incorporate the practice, is a lifestyle. Something that keeps us moving forward, with the prerogative to do our best.